One-week websites or design days? Which service should I add to my web design business first?

I recently was asked the question by a fellow designer:


“You previously mentioned that design day intensives (VIP days) have been a game changer for you. I have been trying to understand which one of the two would work better for my lifestyle and nervous system…. do you have some personal insights on how those two work for you?”


This is such a GREAT question.

I’ve been offering both services now in my Squarespace web design business with big success and great results for my clients. I adore both of these offerings, for different reasons.


So I put together a really short voice memo (just 5 minutes) containing my thoughts and experiences with the two services.


If you’re weighing up between which service to add to your offerings, or which one to add first, this little voicey might give some clarity.


Ready to add one-week websites or design days to your web design business? Made specifically for web designers, our delivery system and document template bundle can help.


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